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Read more about Research award: Successful therapy for painful lateral disc herniation from a patient’s perspective
MRI extrem seitlichen Bandscheibenvorfall

Research award: Successful therapy for painful lateral disc herniation from a patient’s perspective

A Schulthess Klinik research group has received the «Outstanding Special Poster» award from the International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine for its research report on a therapy for painful lateral disc herniation.

Read more about Research award: Successful therapy for painful lateral disc herniation from a patient’s perspective
Read more about Third HSS, Charité Berlin and Schulthess Klinik joint shoulder conference

Third HSS, Charité Berlin and Schulthess Klinik joint shoulder conference

The third HSS-Charité-Schulthess Shoulder Conference is taking place on Friday, 23 June 2023. The conference will see specialists from the HSS Hospital for Special Surgery, New York, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin and Schulthess Klinik join forces to share their knowledge with shoulder surgeons from all over the world in online training sessions.

Read more about Third HSS, Charité Berlin and Schulthess Klinik joint shoulder conference
Read more about Schulthess Klinik keeps moving forward with positive results

Schulthess Klinik keeps moving forward with positive results

Schulthess Klinik carried out 10,000 operations and 133,126 outpatient consultations in 2022, and generated a very positive result. The clinic’s annual report shows how its 1,149 employees from 47 nations achieved this. And all under the motto: “We are in motion because we are building on a strong foundation.”

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Read more about Schulthess Klinik team makes 20 appearances at the Hand Congress in Rimini
Team Schulthess Handchirurgie-Kongress

Schulthess Klinik team makes 20 appearances at the Hand Congress in Rimini

Our Hand Surgery and Research team was strongly represented at the FESSH/EFSHT Congress for hand surgeons and hand therapists in Rimini. We contributed to the discussions of the latest research results with 20 lectures and presentations.

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Read more about Complications following surgery for spinal curvatures: searching for the cause
Röntgenbilder und Computersimulationen Belastungen der Wirbelsäule

Complications following surgery for spinal curvatures: searching for the cause

Long-segment fusion operations may be the best solution for treating spinal curvature in adults, but why do some patients experience mechanical complications after this kind of surgery? Our research team is on the case: working with ETH Zurich as part of the European Spine Study Group, it is looking into the causes of this with the aim of further improving and tailoring the treatment options available to these patients.

Read more about Complications following surgery for spinal curvatures: searching for the cause
Read more about News from the AO Spine Center at Schulthess Klinik
Markus Loibl zeigt vor beim AO-Spine-Operationskurs

News from the AO Spine Center at Schulthess Klinik

In November, Spine Surgery at Schulthess Klinik was successfully re-certified as one of four «AO Spine Centers» in Switzerland. Commitment to training and development is an important criterion of the certification and aligns with Schulthess Klinik’s guiding principle of passing on the knowledge of its specialists and developing the next generation of medics. Find out more about some of our other highlights from 2022.

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Read more about Experience in knee and hip surgery that translates into quality

Experience in knee and hip surgery that translates into quality

The data from the Swiss National Joint Registry SIRIS is clear: Schulthess Klinik’s high degree of specialisation and extensive experience has a direct beneficial impact on patient outcomes. Within two years after a hip or knee replacement operation, significantly fewer Schulthess Klinik patients require revision surgery than is the average in clinics across Switzerland. With hip replacements, Schulthess Klinik’s rate is 1%, whilst for knee replacements the figure is 1.1%. This is over two and a half and three times lower than the Swiss average respectively.

Read more about Experience in knee and hip surgery that translates into quality
Read more about 2nd joint shoulder conference from HSS, Charité Berlin and Schulthess Klinik
Illustration Anatomie einer Rotatorenmanschenttenruptur

2nd joint shoulder conference from HSS, Charité Berlin and Schulthess Klinik

The second ever HSS-Charité-Schulthess Shoulder Conference is taking place on 27 January. The conference will see specialists from the HSS Hospital for Special Surgery, New York, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin and Schulthess Klinik join forces to share their knowledge with shoulder surgeons from all over the world in online training sessions.

Read more about 2nd joint shoulder conference from HSS, Charité Berlin and Schulthess Klinik