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We make a difference with top-class medical services, a humane approach and innovation, along with a strong network consisting of over 60 Swiss and international cooperation partners from practice and science.

Strong networking and cooperation

Together we are committed to the training and further education of medical specialists and nursing staff and ensure quality assurance and optimal treatment of our patients through professional exchange. 

Medical services

Lengg health cluster

With its many health and research institutions, the Lengg region is Switzerland’s largest employer in the healthcare sector. The Lengg health cluster is becoming an innovative driving force within Zurich’s healthcare system and a hub for cutting-edge medicine in Switzerland. The synergies within the Lengg health cluster go beyond high-quality medical services.

The institutions also work together in the areas of infrastructure, external facilities and services. For example, they cooperate in the Lengg Energy Association (Energieverbund), and in lecture and seminar halls.

The Lengg health cluster strengthens the idea of the region as a knowledge hub and is becoming a driver of innovation within Zurich’s healthcare system.

Andrea Rytz, CEO and Director of Schulthess Klinik and President of the Lengg health cluster

Research and Teaching