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Schulthess Klinik The leading orthopaedic clinic

The Schulthess Klinik campaign exemplifies our motto, “new joy in movement”.

World's Specialized Hospitals / World's Best Smart Hospitals

Schulthess Klinik reaffirms its status as a global leader in healthcare.

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A lot has changed since the orthopaedic institute was first established over 100 years ago.

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Schulthess Klinik employs more than 1,100 people who combine cutting-edge medicine, innovation and humanity. In addition to specializing in orthopaedics, we are also a certified Swiss Olympic Medical Center which is open to patients with general and supplementary health insurance.

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Are you a care professional looking for a new challenge? Then perhaps you should join our team soon.

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Looking for a job in anaesthesia in a top infrastructure?


Read more about New team, new energy: Golf Medical Center looking to the future

New team, new energy: Golf Medical Center looking to the future

A successful information event with some important news: Schulthess Klinik’s Golf Medical Center (GMC) shared some fascinating insights into golf medicine and prevention with over 280 attendees at an information event at the end of 2024, where guests also found out about the powerful team that will lead the GMC into the future.

Read more about New team, new energy: Golf Medical Center looking to the future

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We make a difference with top-class medical services, a humane approach and innovation, along with a strong network consisting of over 60 Swiss and international cooperation partners from practice and science.

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Best Specialized Hospital Switzerland