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Around 10'000 operations are performed every year in Schulthess Klinik’s operating theatres, which are fitted with state-of-the-art equipment. By using standardised processes that are reviewed on an ongoing basis, we provide our patients with maximum levels of safety and quality.

In the operating theatre, the medical staff are joined by the following professional groups, working closely together for patients awaiting surgery: certified anaesthesiologist (postgraduate, trained at a professional education institution), certified surgical technician (trained at a professional education institution), positioning specialist and the surgical logistics team.

We provide care for our patients that is tailored to their individual, personal and medical needs. As a reliable and competent partner and service provider, we support our medical staff in all matters before, during and after an operation. This cooperative work is characterised by a high level of mutual respect.

We maintain links with international contacts to ensure that our knowledge is always fully up to date. The content and subjects covered by the annual further training are geared towards our staff requirements and the latest strategies on the market.

An integrated and efficiently functioning operating theatre management team tops off the optimum care we provide for our patients during their stay in our surgical department.

Our specialists involved in operations