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Medico-Legal Affairs

Schulthess Klinik has provided expert medical opinions and specialist reports for outpatients for many years. In addition to the established experts of a specialist orthopaedic clinic, neurology is also one of the clinic’s key areas. These experts are distinguished by their heavy, on-going involvement in everyday clinical practice, which keeps their knowledge up to date.

The clinic’s standard interdisciplinary working method is a major benefit when providing complex expert opinions (interdisciplinary specialist reports) that require cooperation between a range of disciplines. As well as ensuring a high level of specialist expertise, it is also important for us to complete these tasks in good time.

We prepare outpatient mono- and polydisciplinary expert reports for the following clients:

  • Accident insurance companies (private or government-operated/SUVA)
  • Courts
  • Health insurance companies
  • Disability insurance
  • We do not provide any so-called party opinions

Medico-Legal Affairs

Dates and registration

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