News Strong Schulthess Klinik presence at Hand Congress
Tutti per uno, uno per tutti: the Schulthess Klinik team shines at SGH/SGHR Swiss Hand Congress in Lugano. With exciting contributions and an outstanding presentation, the team highlighted major talking points relating to the field of hand surgery.

Experts from the hand surgery, hand therapy and science team at Schulthess Klinik delivered an impressive performance at this year’s SGH/SGHR Congress in Lugano. Under the motto “Tutti per uno, uno per tutti!”, our team was represented across numerous lectures, presentations and discussions. Our experts led intensive discussions on treatment methods and research questions, and made valuable new connections.
Recognition for excellent research
A particular highlight was the “Greatest Future Clinical Application Award”. This went to our junior doctor Laima Bandzaite for her lecture “What would you choose again – Thumb carpometacarpal implant or RSI arthroplasty?” This study investigated which procedure for treating osteoarthritis of the thumb carpometacarpal joint – an implant or RSI arthroplasty – patients would prefer in the long term. The project was a result of close cooperation with Dr. med. Daniel B. Herren, Dr. phil. Miriam Marks, Dr. med. Stephan Schindele, Dr. med. Viviane Nietlispach, Jenny Imhof and Tanja Pudic. It is yet further proof of the excellent collaboration between our hand surgeons and scientists.
We are proud to have such a team that is passionate about developing the field of hand surgery – for the good of our patients and the international community of experts.