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News Tireless commitment to patients

«What do we hope to achieve? What would be best for our patients?» These questions were not just the focus of the celebrations for our long-serving Head of Spine Surgery, PD Dr. med. Dezsö J. Jeszenszky – in fact, they have been at the forefront of his mind throughout his career as a spinal surgeon. So the celebrations were not just a tribute to his postdoctoral thesis entitled «New surgical procedures in the treatment of paediatric spinal column diseases», but more so his tireless commitment and pioneering spirit to keep driving improvements in patient treatment.

PD Dr. med. Dezsö J. Jeszenszky was formally awarded the venia docendi (which entitles him to teach at university level) on 19 November, with the celebratory inaugural lecture taking place at the Medical University of Debrecen in Hungary. This milestone was also celebrated on 9 December at Schulthess Klinik, where, together with PD Dr. med. François Porchet, he has been head of Spine Surgery, Orthopaedics and Neurosurgery since 2004.

Dr. Dezsö J. Jeszenszky zeigt Bild eines Mädchens mit starker Skoliose
PD Dr. med. Dezsö J. Jeszenszky passionately believes that «young patients with curvature of the spine should have prospects for the future».

A nine-year-old girl with a 90° curvature of the spine, after removal of a tumour from her spinal column, was one of the triggers that led PD Dr. med. Dezsö J. Jeszenszky to put a great deal of time and energy into this area. «There had to be something we could do!» was the clear vision of the surgeon, who was still only young at the time. And ever since then, he has worked tirelessly to ensure that patients are given solutions that offer them prospects for the future – solutions for patients who are still growing. In his work, he has followed in the footsteps of Wilhelm Schulthess (1855–1917), who himself revolutionised treatment for scoliosis back in his day. «For me, I don’t have any choice but to carry on this legacy.»

But he has relied on others and continues to do so, as teamwork is right at the heart of the matter for PD Dr. med. Dezsö J. Jeszenszky. And this approach has seen the Spine Team at Schulthess Klinik publish 97 papers that are cited throughout the world.

This pioneering spirit and tireless search for ideal solutions for patients are the driving force behind countless innovations in spinal column surgery, whether in surgical techniques, implants or instruments that are used successfully today to treat all different kinds of spinal column deformities. Always with the clear goal in mind to offer patients as great a quality of life as possible following surgery.

His postdoctoral thesis entitled «New surgical procedures in the treatment of paediatric spinal column diseases» reflects his most important findings in this area. He and the speakers gave guests at the celebrations an insight into these achievements. The audience were visibly impressed and certainly made clear their admiration and appreciation for his skills, pioneering spirit and commitment to patients.

Habilitationsfeier von PD Dr. med. Dezsö J. Jeszenszky
The milestone postdoctoral thesis was also celebrated at Schulthess Klinik
Grupppen zur Habilitationsfeier von «Junge Patienten mit einer Wirbelsäulenverkrümmung sollen eine Chance für die Zukunft haben», ist ein grosses Anliegen von PD Dr. med. Dezsö J. Jeszenszky.
From left to right: Franz K. von Meyenburg, President of the Board of Trustees, Dr. med. Tamás Fekete, PD Dr. Anne Mannion, PhD, PD Dr. med. Dezsö J. Jeszenszky, Andrea Rytz, Director/CEO, Dr. med. Frank Kleinstück, Prof. Dr. med. Jiří Dvořák