News EUROSPINE Best Podium Presentation Award for study on the topic of fusion operations in cases where the spine is showing signs of wear
At the Spine Society of Europe’s annual EUROSPINE congress in Helsinki, PD Dr. med. Markus Loibl and the Spine Team at Schulthess Klinik were presented with the 2019 Best Podium Presentation Award. Their study on the topic of fusion operations in cases where the spine is showing signs of wear came out on top out of over 1,000 submissions.
From over 1,000 study summaries submitted, 70 were chosen in an anonymous evaluation process to be presented at the congress. The seven best were presented in the Best in Show section and the over 1,000 spine specialists who attended voted electronically for the best presentation at the congress.
The presentation was about a study led by PD Dr. Anne Mannion, Phd on the topic of fusion operations (the fusion of two or more vertebrae) in cases where the spine is showing signs of wear. In this study, the Spine Team at Schulthess Klinik determined, based on 196 patients, how well fine adjustments of the spine shape can be carried out during the operation and what benefits patients ultimately gain from this. The outcome of the results after five years is that most patients gain a lot of benefits from such fine adjustments. In the main, this study was able to show the interaction of the stiffened and non-stiffened sections of the lumbar spine. Even with brief fusion operations, a curvature of the spine can be influenced positively.
Our heartfelt congratulations go to PD Dr. med. Markus Loibl, Dr. med. Felix Massen, Dr. med. Tamás Fekete, PD Dr. med. Daniel Haschtmann, Dr. med. Frank Kleinstück, PD Dr. med. Dezsö J. Jeszenszky, PhD, PD Dr. med. François Porchet and PD Dr. Anne Mannion, PhD, for winning this award!
Webcasts Eurospine 2019, Helsinki (accessible with a Eurospine login)