Head of Spine Surgery Prof. Dr. med. Markus Loibl

Position and faculty
Head of Spine Surgery
Conservative focus
Infiltration of the lumbar spine
Surgical focus
Lumbar disc herniation / disc hernia lumbar spine
Narrowed lumbar nerve channel / spinal canal (stenosis)
Instability of the spinal column / arthrosis
Vertebral fracture in osteoporosis
Curvature of the spinal column (scoliosis)
Medical specialisation
Orthopaedic surgery and musculoskeletal traumatology
Specialised spinal surgery (Swiss Society for Orthopaedics, SGO, and Swiss Society for Neurosurgery, SGNC)
Certificates of proficiency
2022 - Radiation Protection in Orthopaedic Surgery and Musculoskeletal Traumatology (Swiss Institute for Postgraduate Education and Continuing Professional Development in Medicine, SIWF)
2022 - Spinal Surgery (Swiss Society for Neurosurgery, SGNC, and Swiss Orthopaedics, SO)
Master's certificate from the German Society for Spinal Surgery (DWG)
European Spine Course Diploma (EUROSPINE)
Additional qualification in emergency medicine
since 06/2024
Head of Spine Surgery, Schulthess Klinik
2017 - 2024
Senior Doctor and Head of Spinal Surgery, Schulthess Klinik
2016 - 2017
Spine Fellowship, Schulthess Klinik
(Prof. Dr. med. Dezsö Jeszenszky)
2011 - 2016
Resident and Chief Resident Trauma Surgery, Universitätsklinikum Regensburg
(Prof. Dr. med. Michael Nerlich)
2009 - 2011
Resident Surgery/Orthopaedics, Spital Davos
(Dr. med. Christian Ryf, Dr. med. Paavo Rillmann, Dr. med. Thomas Perren)
2008 - 2009
Research Fellowship AO research institute, Davos
(Prof. Dr. Mauro Alini)
Education and training
Appointment as Associate Professor at the University of Regensburg
Teaching licence for orthopaedics and trauma surgery at the University of Regensburg
Habilitation at the Department of Trauma Surgery at the University of Regensburg
(Prof. Dr. med. Michael Nerlich)
United States Medical Licensing Examination (ECFMG Certificate)
Doctorate at the Chair for Preventive and Rehabilitative Sports Medicine, Technische Universität München
(Prof. Dr. med. Martin Halle)
2002 - 2008
Study of Medicine, Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich
Study visits:
Schulthess Klinik, Zurich
Queen Mary’s School of Medicine, London (UK)
University of Southern California, Los Angeles (USA)
University of Cape Town, Cape Town (RSA)
Scientific activities
applied research in the field of spinal surgery and traumatology
Basic research in the field of regenerative medicine
Advisory Review Board Member Journal of Orthopaedic Research (JOR) Spine
Regular reviewer for international journals such as European Cells and Materials (eCM), Tissue Engineering
AO Spine Switzerland: Ortho Officer 2018–2021, Chairperson 2021 - 2024
AO Spine Europe and South Africa: Education Officer 2024 - 2027
Swiss Society of Spinal Surgery (SGS)
AO Trauma
EUROSPINE, the Spine Society of Europe
German Society for Trauma Surgery DGU
Awards and honours
EUROSPINE Best Podium Presentation Award 2019, Helsinki, Finnland. Loibl M, Massen FK, Fekete T, Haschtmann D, Kleinstück F, Jeszenszky D, Porchet F, Mannion AF. «Spino-pelvic alignment after short segment transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion (TLIF) Is correction possible and worthwhile?».
Grants and stipends
Reisestipendium Deutsche Gesellschaft für Unfallchirurgie 2016
University of San Francisco California
Orthopaedic Trauma Institute, San Francisco, USA
Trauma Surgery (Chairman: Dr. Theodore Miclau III, MD)
Reisestipendium AO Deutschland 2014
Thomas Jefferson University
Rothman Institute, Philadelphia, USA
Spine Surgery (Chairman: Dr. Alexander Vaccaro, MD, PhD, MBA)
Reisestipendium AO Trauma 2013
Harvard Medical School
Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, USA
Trauma Surgery (Chairman: Dr. Marc Vrahas, MD)