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News Ninth joint ‘Spine Case Conference’ held by HSS, Charité Berlin and Schulthess Klinik Zurich

The ‘HSS-Charité-Schulthess Spine Case Conference’ was held for the ninth time on 21 July. The conference is an occasion for specialists from the HSS Hospital for Special Surgery, New York, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin and Schulthess Klinik Zurich to join forces and share their knowledge with specialists from all over the world in online training sessions.

The series of webinars is geared towards orthopaedic consultants, spinal surgeons and junior doctors as well as physiotherapists and others with an interest in orthopaedics. The idea is to find up-to-date and practical solutions to the many complex problems associated with the spine – always with the aim of improving the quality of patient care and safety.

This ninth conference focused on muscular disorders of the spine and resulting deformities. Schulthess Klinik was represented by PD Dr. med. Daniel Haschtmann as a speaker and Dr. med. Frank Kleinstück as a faculty member.

We are delighted to be able to share our expertise within this tight-knit network and show commitment to providing advanced training to colleagues from across the globe in the process.