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Read more about New Textbook for Hand Surgery
Buch Hand Surgery Stephan Schindele

New Textbook for Hand Surgery

Dr. med. Stephan Schindele, our Co-Head of Hand Surgery, has published a new textbook entitled «Arthroplasty in Hand Surgery», which he co-authored with the renowned hand surgeons Dr. Grey Giddins from the UK and Dr. Philippe Bellemère from France. The book provides comprehensive descriptions of surgical procedures on the hand and finger joints using prostheses.

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Read more about Joint Study with ETH Zurich on Knee Movements Wins ISB Clinical Biomechanics Award
Bewegtes Fluoroskop beim Messen des Knies

Joint Study with ETH Zurich on Knee Movements Wins ISB Clinical Biomechanics Award

The ETH Zurich study led by first author Dr. Barbara Postolka has won the ISB Clinical Biomechanics Award. Schulthess Klinik was also involved in the award-winning study through our research associate, Dr. sc. ETH Renate List as well as our Human Performance Lab. Congratulations to everyone involved!

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Read more about Shoulder and Elbow Surgery department recognised as an SECEC/ESSSE Teaching Center
Logo Auszeichnung SECEC Teaching Centre

Shoulder and Elbow Surgery department recognised as an SECEC/ESSSE Teaching Center

The European Society for Surgery of the Shoulder and the Elbow (SECEC/ESSSE) has recognised our Shoulder and Elbow Surgery department, which is led by Prof. Dr. med. Markus Scheibel, as an SECEC/ESSSE Teaching Centre. Schulthess Klinik is delighted to have received the recognition required to become such a Teaching Centre, and looks forward to making an even greater contribution to training shoulder and elbow surgeons at European level.

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Read more about Cartilage chip implantation (minced cartilage): the neat and gentle cartilage repair technique
Knorpelschaden Knie: Aufbereitung für Knorpelchips-Implantation

Cartilage chip implantation (minced cartilage): the neat and gentle cartilage repair technique

A newly developed cartilage repair procedure has shown promising results in terms of repairing damage to knee cartilage. Cartilage chip implantation involves mechanically crushing the patient’s own cartilage tissue into “chips”. These are mixed with the patient’s own blood, which has been prepared beforehand, and then reused.

Read more about Cartilage chip implantation (minced cartilage): the neat and gentle cartilage repair technique
Read more about Schulthess Klinik Annual Report – «In a crisis, good becomes even better»
Schulthess Klinik

Schulthess Klinik Annual Report – «In a crisis, good becomes even better»

In 2020, which was a particularly challenging year on account of the pandemic, the 1,112 employees at Schulthess Klinik showed how positive results can be achieved with team spirit, commitment, flexibility and plenty of new ideas. This enabled the clinic to live up to the trust of its patients and referring physicians even during the Covid crisis and almost match last year’s figures.

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Read more about JHSE Editors' Award goes to a study of our hand surgery for the second time in a row
Urkunde JHSE Editors’ Award

JHSE Editors' Award goes to a study of our hand surgery for the second time in a row

A study of our hand surgery has won the 2020 JHSE Editors' Award. This prestigious prize is conferred by the Journal of Hand Surgery (European Volume) and went to our team for the second time in a row.

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Read more about What effect do concomitant diseases have on the outcome of prosthetic hip surgery?
Illustration Hüftprothese

What effect do concomitant diseases have on the outcome of prosthetic hip surgery?

One year after their hip operation, most patients are satisfied with the result, with many even declaring that they are very satisfied. Patients with concomitant diseases can still expect a similar improvement in terms of hip function. However, this group of patients has a somewhat increased risk of complications. This was the conclusion reached by our research team, which investigated the connection between comorbidities, the risk of complications and the patient’s perceptions of osteoarthritis-related hip surgery.

Read more about What effect do concomitant diseases have on the outcome of prosthetic hip surgery?