News Schulthess Klinik once again ranked 6th in orthopaedics among the World’s Best Specialized Hospitals
Schulthess Klinik was once again ranked 6th in orthopaedics in the latest World’s Best Specialized Hospitals ranking, published by the US news magazine Newsweek.
US news magazine Newsweek once again awarded Schulthess Klinik sixth place in orthopaedics in the latest World’s Best Specialized Hospitals 2023” ranking. Together with data research company Statista Inc., Newsweek evaluated hospitals around the world. The results are based in particular on a survey of healthcare professionals in over 20 countries.
Schulthess Klinik is also listed in the new World’s Best Smart Hospitals ranking. This ranking includes 300 institutions in 28 countries that are leaders in the use of artificial intelligence, digital imaging, remote provision of healthcare, robotics and electronic functions.
We are delighted to receive these awards and would like to thank all our employees for their outstanding work, which helps to ensure quality of treatment and patient satisfaction each and every day.