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Performance Diagnostician Ralf Seidel

Ralf Seidel Leistungsdiagnostik Schulthess Klinik

Position and faculty

Performance Diagnostician


Performance diagnostics for endurance, strength and game sports

Training theory - Training science

Training planning


Phone hours
Mo–Fr 8:00–17:00
Sa–Su Closed

Certificates of proficiency

Diploma sports teacher sports science


since 2007

Performance Diagnostics, Schulthess Klinik

2004 – 2006

Performance Diagnostics and Sports Therapy, Movemed Zurich

Education and training

1998 – 2003

Diploma studies at the Faculty of Sports Science of the University of Leipzig

Sporting activities

Kayaking, cross-country skiing, running, strength training, cycling

1995 – 2001 Canoe racing, competitive sports