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Head of Hip Surgery Prof. Dr. med. Michael Leunig

Michael Leunig Hero

Position and faculty

Head of Hip Surgery and CMO


Joint preserving hip surgery for malformations such as femoroacetabular impingement, hip dysplasia, post-traumatic malpositions 
Hip arthroscopy
Femoral (surgical luxation) and acetabular osteotomies (PAO)
Hip joint replacement in advanced arthroses
Initial implantation using proven conventional and minimally invasive surgical procedures
Surface replacement of hip joint
Replacement operations incl. treatment of bone and muscle defects
Traumatology of the pelvis, hips and thighs


Hip Surgery
Phone hours
Mo–Th 8:00–17:00
Fr 8:00–16:00
Sa–Su Closed


Seit 2008

Head of Hip Surgery and training officer SGO/FMH, Schulthess Klinik


Senior Consultant, Orthopaedics, in particular Hip Surgery, Schulthess Klinik


Consultant Hip and Pelvis Surgery, Orthopaedics, Balgrist Universitätsspital


Consultant Orthopaedics, Inselspital Bern
(Prof. R. Ganz)


Consultant Emergency Unit, Surgical Emergency Centre, Inselspital Bern
(PD H. Zimmermann)


Consultant Orthopaedics, Inselspital Bern
(Prof. R. Ganz)

Education and training


Associate Professorship, ETH Zürich


Postgraduate course Effective management in the healthcare system


Hip arthroscopy, Marc Philippon, MD, and technique of microfracturing for cartilage regeneration, Richard Steadman, MD, Steadman Hawkins Clinic, Vail, Co, USA


Acetabular fractures and minimally invasive hip arthroplasty, Joel Matta, MD, Good Samaritan Hospital, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Hip arthroscopy, Marc Philippon, University of Pittsburg, Ph, USA
Hip arthroscopy, Thomas Byrd, Nashville Sports Medicine, TN, USA


ATLS certified


Venia docendi for Orthopaedics / Orthopaedic Surgery at the University of Bern


Specialist in Orthopaedic Surgery


Clinical Fellowship hip endoprosthetics, Service d’Orthopédie, Hôpital Cochin (Prof. M. Kerboull), und Ecole de Chirurgie, Paris, Frankreich


License to practise medicine

Scientific activities

Basic and clinically applied research in the field of hip surgery

Continuous research support by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) since 1995

Regular reviewer for international orthopedic journals such as JBJS (Br), JBJS (Am), CORR, Journal of Orthopaedic Research, Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, Orthopaedic Clinics North America among others


Alumi HSS

International Hip Society IHS (executive board)

swiss orthopaedics (member expert group Hip)

Swiss Medical Association FMH

M.E. Müller Foundation North America

Awards and honours

2018 JBJS Essential Methods Best paper Award

2018 Euro Spine Best Paper Award

2018 Maurice E. Müller Award, Swiss Orthopedics, Montreux, CH

2011 Arthroscopy Journal Level I Evidence Prize for «The German Hip Outcome Score: Validation in Patients Undergoing Surgical Treatment for Femoroacetabular Impingement» by Naal, Impellizzeri, Miozzari, Mannion, and Leunig from Zurich

2011 Surgeon-in-Chief Pro-Tempore at HSS, Alumni Association 93rd Annual Meeting, HSS, USA

2010 John Charnley Trust Memorial Lecture (Medal) of the British Orthopaedic Society for «Protrusio in young patients», Glasgow, UK

2010 SSI/SSHH AWARDS in the category «Clinical Research» for the paper «Improved Diagnosis of Periprosthetic Joint Infection by Multiplex PCR of Sonication Fluid from Removed Implants» published in the Journal of Clinical Microbiology by Yvonne Achermann, Markus Vogt, Michael Leunig, Jürg Wüst, and Andrej Trampuz from the Cantonal Hospital Zug, Baar, Schulthess Clinic, Zurich, Unilabs, Zurich, and the University of Lausanne, CH

2001 «SOPUR-Preis» of the «Vereinigung für Kinderorthopädie» at the «Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Orthopädie und Traumatologie» Berlin, Ger.

Grants and stipends

2015–2017 Mäxi Foundation «Coxa valga and femoral antetorsion:  Biomechanical implications and morphological variation for hip health» (Ferguson, S. (ETH), and Leunig, M.) SFr. 124.860.–

2015–2017 (32473B-160153) SNF «Femoro-acetabular impingement and its role in the development of osteoarthritis of the hip: A 10-year follow-up study of the Sumiswald cohort» (Reichenbach, S., Jüni, P., and Leunig, M.) SFr. 429.000.–

2011–2014 Deutsche Arthrose-Hilfe e.V., «Optimierung der Fragebogen-basierten Evaluierung von Patienten mit Coxarthrose und Gonarthrose – Einflussgrössen auf das operative Outcome unter spezieller Berücksichtigung der subjektiven Erwartungshaltung» (Naal, F.D., von Eisenhart-Rothe, R., and Leunig. M.) EUR 72.990.–

2007–2008 AGA (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Arthroskopie), «Reduction of cartilage damage in osteochondral plug transfer by a modificated osteotome punch» (Bastian, J., Hofstetter, W., Leunig, M.SFr. 10.000.–

2007–2008 SYNOS-Foundation, «Cross-cultural adaptation into German and assessment of the psychometric characteristics of patient-administered outcome instruments for the assessment of patients with hip and knee osteoarthritis» (Leunig, M., Naal, F., and Mannion, AF) SFr. 22.333.–

2006–2008 SNF-NFP53 Zusatzkredit, «Familial aggregation of femoro-acetabular impingement of the ‘cam’ type: a pilot study» (Jüni, P., Trelle, S., Odermatt, A., Hofstetter, W., Ganz, R., and  Leunig, M.) SFr. 131.241.–

2004–2010 (405340-104778) SNF-NFP53, «Etiology of primary osteoarthritis of the hip» (Leunig, M., Jüni, P., Odermatt, A., Hofstetter, W., and Ganz, R.) SFr. 519.448.–

2004–2006 (3200B0-103913) SNF, «Osteochondral allograft transplantation:  Inhibition of rejection by 5-aminolevulinic acid and light» (Leunig, M. and Ganz, R.) SFr. 106.000.–

2003–2004 SYNOS-Foundation, «The effect of metal ions on human peripheral monocytes», (Hofstetter, W., and Leunig, M.) SFr. 148.833.–

2003 Deutsche Arthrose-Hilfe, «Optimization of osteochondral allografts by 5-ALA-PDT» (Leunig, M., and Ganz, R.) Euro. 25.000.–

2002–2004 (3200-066844) SNF, «Osteochondral allograft transplantation:  Inhibition of rejection by 5-aminolevulinic acid and light» (Leunig, M. and Ganz, R.) SFr. 111.300.–

1999–2000 SYNOS-Foundation, «The role of peripheral blood monocytes in the loosening of cemented hip prosthesis (Macrophages and loosening of hip prosthesis)» (Hofstetter, W., Felix, R., Günther, H., and Leunig, M.) SFr. 142.652.–

1999 SYNOS-Foundation, «Role of soft tissue envelope on revascularization of ACL grafts» (Ballmer, F.T., Sckell, A. and Leunig, M.) SFr. 100.196.–

1998–2000 AO/ASIF, «Mechanisms involved in the aseptic loosening of prostheses» (Hofstetter, W., Leunig, M., and Felix, R.) SFr. 119.590.–

1998–1999 Sandoz-Foundation, «Kryokonservierung und Abstossung allogener Knochentransplantate:  Eine Analyse Angiogenese und Osteogenese beeinflussender Faktoren mittels Intravitalmikroskopie und In-situ-Hybridisierung in einem experimentellen Mausmodell» (Leunig, M. and Ganz, R.) SFr. 50.000.–

1997–2001 (3200-050771) SNF, «Cryopreservation to prevent bone graft rejection:  analysis of factors modulating angiogenesis and osteogenesis using intravital microscopy and in situ hybridization» (Leunig, M. and Ganz, R.) SFr. 288.750.–

1997–1999 AO/ASIF, «The acetabular labrum:  functional role in the normal hip joint and developmental role in hip joint pathology» (Ito, K., Ganz, R. and Leunig, M.) SFr. 67.798.–

1996–1998 AO-Foundation (AO/ASIF), «Modified approaches to bone banking: quantitative in vivo evaluation of graft biology and immunogenicity following advanced protocols of cryopreservation» (Leunig, M. and Ganz, R.) SFr. 80.000.–

1995–1997 (3200-043247) Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF), «Biological consequences of bone allograft cryopreservation: quantitative analysis of angiogenesis, growth and antigenicity in a combined in vitro - in vivo approach» (Leunig, M. and Ganz, R.) SFr. 200.000.–
