Co-Head of Hip Surgery Prof. Dr. med. Hannes A. Rüdiger

Position and faculty
Co-Head of Hip Surgery
Primary hip prosthetics: minimally invasive techniques, complex prosthetics for congenital deformities or post-traumatic malpositions
Change of prosthesis / revision surgery
Infection treatment
Traumatology of the pelvis, hips and thigh
Joint preserving hip surgery
Medical specialisation
Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology of the Musculoskeletal System
since 01/2019
Co-Head Hip Surgery, Schulthess Klinik
Senior Consultant Hip Surgery, Schulthess Klinik
since 2014
Consiliarius Tumor Surgery (Médecin agrée 10%) Centre Hosptialier Universitaire Vaudois CHUV, Lausanne
Team Leader Hip, Team Leader Tumors, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois CHUV, Lausanne (Prof. A. Farron)
Staff Surgeon Hip and Knee Arthroplasty / Tumour Surgery, St. Vincent’s Hospital/University of Melbourne
(Prof. P. F. Choong)
Consultant Hip, Knee and Tumor Surgery, University of Zurich, Balgrist
(Prof. C. Gerber)
Prosthetics and tumor surgery, St. Vincent’s Hospital, University of Melbourne
(Prof. P. F. Choong)
Traumatology, The Alfred Hospital / Monash University, Melbourne
Prof. T. Kossmann)
Tumor Surgery, Universität Florenz
(Prof. R. Capanna)
Orthopaedics, Uniklinik Balgrist Zurich
(Prof. C. Gerber)
Traumatology, Universitätsspital Zurich
(Prof. O. Trentz)
Study of Medicine, University of Zurich
Education and training
CAS Systemisches Management im Gesundheitswesen
Titularprofessor, Medizinische Fakultät, Universität Zürich, Schweiz
Habilitation in Orthopaedics (Privatdozent), University of Zurich
Specialist in Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology of the Musculoskeletal System FMH
Doctorate in Human Medicine, University of Zurich
Study of Medicine, University of Zurich
Scientific activities
Clinical Research in the Field of Hip and Tumor Surgery
Close cooperation with the EPF Lausanne:
- experimental studies on the ingrowth of non-cemented prostheses
- biomechanical evaluation of hip reconstructions with computer models
Reviewer for international scientific journals
Awards and honours
Poster prize at the 19th Annual Meeting of European Musculo-Skeletal Oncology Society, 2006
2nd prize at the Annual Meeting of the Swiss Transplantation Society, 2004
1st prize at the 2nd Young Investigators’ Meeting, Switzerland, 2001
1st prize of the Swiss Society of Surgery, 2001
Grants and stipends
Research contribution of the Swiss National Science Foundation, 2011–15
Continuing Education Scholarship Stryker Inc. / St. Vincent’s Hospital / University of Melbourne, 2008
Scholarship of the Swiss Society of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, 2007
Scholarship of the Kurt and Senta Herrmann Foundation, Switzerland, 2005
Scholarship of the Theodor and Ida Herzog Egli Foundation, Switzerland, 2005
Scholarship of the SYNOS Foundation for the Advancement of Orthopaedic Surgery, Schweiz, 2005
Scholarship of swiss orthopaedics, 2005
Research contribution of the Hartmann Müller Foundation, Switzerland, 2005
Research contribution of the Bonizzi-Theler Foundation, Switzerland, 2002
Research contribution of the Olga Mayenfisch Foundation, Switzerland, 2001
Research contribution of the Roche Research Foundation, Switzerland, 2000
Scholarship of the Swiss National Science Foundation, 2000
Scholarship of the Theodor and Ida Herzog-Egli Foundation, Switzerland, 1999