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Senior Consultant Prof. Dr. med. Claudio Dora

Prof. Dr. med. Claudio Dora Spezialist Hüftchirurgie

Position and faculty

Senior Consultant Hip Surgery

To the department Hip Surgery


Joint conserving surgery of the hip by means of hip arthroscopy, surgical hip luxation and conversion operations such as periacetabular pelvic osteotomy according to Ganz

Artificial hip joint replacement with prostheses in minimally invasive technique

Hip joint replacement operations incl. treatment of bone and muscle defects


Hip Surgery
Phone hours
Mo–Th 8:00–17:00
Fr 8:00–16:00
Sa–Su Closed

Medical specialisation

Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology of the Musculoskeletal System


since July 2017

Senior Consultant Hip Surgery, Schulthess Klinik


Deputy medical director and Co-Head Orthopaedics, Uniklinik Balgrist



Head of Hip and Pelvis Surgery, Uniklinik Balgrist


Consultant Hip and Pelvis Surgery, Uniklinik Balgrist


In rotation: Consultant Spine, Shoulder, Knee and Foot Surgery, Uniklinik Balgrist


Consultant Spine Surgery, Uniklinik Balgrist


Resident Orthopaedics, Uniklinik Balgrist, Zürich
(Prof. C. Gerber)


Resident Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Hôpital Cantonal, Fribourg
(Prof. C. Gerber)


General Surgery, Bezirkspital Wattenwil
(Dr. B. Roth)


Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Regionalspital Langenthal
(Dr. W. Hackenbruch)

Education and training

seit 2013

Titular professorship, University of Zurich


Venia Legendi, University of Zurich «Retroversion of the acetabulum: radiological assessment, prevalence and relevance»


Specialist in Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology of the Musculoskeletal System FMH


Fellowship Service D'orthopedie Pediatrique, Höpital Armand Trousseau, Paris 
(Prof. Filipe)

Service D'Orthopedie Pediatrique, Höpital Saint-Vincent-DePaul, Paris
(Prof. R. Seringe, Prof. J. Dubousset)


Hip/Pelvic Surgery and Trauma Surgery, lnselspital, University of Bern
(Prof. R. Ganz)


Doctorate, University of Bern: "Damage to the intestinal barrier by hypo- and reperfusion and its consequences" (Prof. Dr. med. Lundsgaard-Hansen, Department for Experimental Surgery, University of Bern)


Study of Medicine, Federal Examination in Human Medicine and dissertation at the University of Bern

Scientific activities

Klinische Forschung auf dem Gebiet der Hüftchirurgie

Scientific reviewer for various orthopaedic journals


swiss orthopaedics (President and member of expert group Hip)

Swiss Implant Registry, SIRIS (foundation council)


Swiss Medical Association FMH

Association for Orthopaedic Research AFOr (foundation council)

European Hip Society

Medical Association of the Canton of Zurich AGZ


Awards and honours

2013 Venel Prize, Swiss Orthopedic Association for «lnfluence of resection geometry on fracture risk in the treatment of femoroacetabular impingement: a finite element study» (Rothenfluh E, Zingg P, Dora C et al)

2004 Marathon Prize, Swiss Orthopedic Association for «Ciosed suction wound drainage versus non drainage in primary total hip replacement (THR). Short term difference» (Von Campe A, Mengiardi B, Dora C)

2003 Marathon Prize, Swiss Orthopedic Association for «Recurrent lumbar disc herniation: risk factors on MRI» (Dora C, Schmid M et al)

2002 Poster Prize, Swiss Radiology Association for «Grading of lumbar Nerve Root Compromise with MRI: A ReHability Study with Surgical Correlation» (Pfirrmann CW, Dora C et al)

2000 Prix de these du Gongres de Ia Societe Françaisede Chirurgie Pediatrique for «La couverture cotyloidienne du fragment necrose epiphysaire dans l'osteochondrite primitive de Ia hanche: sa signification dans l'evaluation du traitement chirurgical et du prognostic en finde croissance»
