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Senior Consultant Dr. med. Martin Aepli

Dr. med. Martin Aepli Spezialist Hüftchirurgie

Position and faculty

Senior Consultant Hip Surgery


Primary total hip replacement in osteoarthritis using minimally invasive technique
Primary total hip replacement in prior deformities/bone fractures using minimally invasive or conventional technique
Revision total hip replacement in wear/infection/incorrect position
Hip traumatology
Joint-preserving hip surgery







Hip Surgery
Phone hours
Mo–Th 8:00–17:00
Fr 8:00–16:00
Sa–Su Closed

Medical specialisation

Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology of the Musculoskeletal System


Since 07/2022

Senior Consultant Hip Surgery, Schulthess Klinik 

2018 - 2022

Consultant Hip Surgery, Schulthess Klinik 


Consultant Orthopaedics / Traumatology, Kantonsspital Winterthur
(PD Dr. med. P. Koch)


Resident Orthopaedics, Schulthess Klinik
(Prof. Dr. med. M. Leunig)


Resident Orthopaedics, Kantonsspital Winterthur
(Dr. med. M. Pisan)


Resident Surgery, Spital Zollikerberg
(Dr. med. S. Müller)

Education and training


Specialist in Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology of the Musculoskeletal System FMH


Dissertation University of Zurich "Translaminar Screw Fixation of the Lumbar Spine" (Prof. Dr. med. D. Grob, Schulthess Klinik)


Study of Medicine, University of Zurich

Scientific activities

Clinical and biomechanical research in the field of hip surgery (collaboration ETH Zurich)

Awards and honours

Top Teacher Award 2017 (Recognition for outstanding pedagogical achievements KSW), Prof. Dr. med. S. Breitenstein / PD Dr. med. P. Koch

Elite-med prize2009 (Best performance of the year at the Federal Examination in Human Medicine University of Zurich), Prof. Dr. med. W. Vetter


Fischer, A., Rüdiger, H. A., Hersche, O., Leunig, M., Stephan, A., & Aepli, M. (2024). The resisted torsional stress test in diagnosis of femoral stem loosening in uncemented total hip arthroplasty–first description and retrospective study. Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery, 144(8), 3807-3811.

Mannion, A. F., Mariaux, F., Pittet, V., Steiger, F., Aepli, M., Fekete, T. F., ... & Porchet, F. (2021). Association between the appropriateness of surgery, according to appropriate use criteria, and patient-rated outcomes after surgery for lumbar degenerative spondylolisthesis. European Spine Journal, 30, 907-917.

De Pieri, E., Atzori, F., Ferguson, S. J., Dendorfer, S., Leunig, M., & Aepli, M. (2021). Contact force path in total hip arthroplasty: effect of cup medialisation in a whole-body simulation. Hip International, 31(5), 624-631.

Aepli, M., Rüdiger, H. A., & Leunig, M. (2020). Ligamentum Teres impingement in valgus impacted femoral neck fracture: a case for hip arthroscopy. JBJS Case Connector, 10(4), e20.

Aepli, M., Meier, C., & Wahl, P. (2019). Electrosurgery induced femoral stem fracture in total hip arthroplasty: a case report. JBJS Case Connector, 9(4), e0418.

Aepli, M., Kamath, A. F., Ganz, R. & Leunig, M. (2015). Coxa Profunda e Protrusão Acetabular. In: Cirurgia Preservadora do Quadril Adulto, edited by Gomes LSM. São Paulo, Brazil: Editora Atheneu, 2015, p. 507–518.

Aepli, M., Ganz, R., Manner, H. M., & Leunig, M. (2015). Development of Bilateral Cam Deformity After Dunn Procedure and Contralateral Prophylactic Fixation: A Periosteal Reaction?. JBJS Case Connect, 5(2), e53.

Aepli, M., Mannion, A. F., & Grob, D. (2009). Translaminar screw fixation of the lumbar spine: long-term outcome. Spine, 34(14), 1492-1498.