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Chief Consultant Dr. med. Ewa Siekierka

Dr. med. Ewa Siekierka Spezialistin Neurologie

Position and faculty

Chief Consultant Neurology








Phone hours
Mo–Th 8:00–17:00
Fr 8:00–16:00
Sa–Su Closed

Medical specialisation


Certificates of proficiency

SPS Pain Specialist 2021 (Swiss Pain Society)

Certified medical expert SIM 2017

Electroencephalography 2013

Electroneuromyography 2011


since 2017

Consultant Neurology, Schulthess Klinik with offer of EEG clarifications and epileptological consultation hours


Consultant Adult Ward, Swiss Epilepsy Clinic, Klinik Lengg, Zurich
(Prof. Dr. Dr. med. T. Grunwald)


Senior assistant Adult Polyclinic, Swiss Epilepsy Clinic, Klinik Lengg, Zurich
(Prof. Dr. Dr. med. T. Grunwald)


Consultant Department of Epileptology Prof. Dr. med. C. Baumann, Neurological Clinic, Universitätsspital Zürich
(Prof. Dr. M. Weller)


Resident Neurological Clinic, Universitätsspital Zürich
(Prof. Dr. M. Weller)


Resident Universitätsklinik Balgrist, Zürich
(Prof. Dr. A. Curt)


Resident Neurological Clinic, Universitätsspital Zürich
(Prof. Dr. K. Hess)


First year resident Internal Medicine, German Diabetes Research Institute
(Prof. Dr. W. A. Scherbaum)

Education and training


Specialist in Neurology FMH


Dissertation "Functional recovery of arm function in patients after stroke in the acute phase", Prof. Dr. H.-J. Freund, Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf, 1999-2001, Doctorate of Medicine, Düsseldorf


Study of Dentistry (4 Semester) Düsseldorf, then change to medical studies in Düsseldorf and Heidelberg, State Examination

Scientific activities

Participation in multicenter studies (diabetic neuropathy, multiple sclerosis, stroke, Parkinson's disease)

Certificate in Good Clinical Practice (GCP), (ZKF/USZ, Zurich) 2007, 2012, 2015

Research grant awarded for the study "Mirror neuron system in patients with Parkinson's disease" by Parkinson Switzerland (Beschluss 09/2013; CHF 50'000.- ab 09/2013 bis 10/2014)

Co-Founder, YouRehab Ltd. in 2010


Swiss Neurological Society SNG

Swiss Society of Clinical Neurophysiology SGKN

Swiss Medical Association FMH

Swiss Association of Residents and Consultants VSAO

Medical Association of the Canton of Zurich AGZ

Neurological Society of the Canton of Zurich ZNG

Grants and stipends

Research grant awarded for the study "Mirror neuron system in patients with Parkinson's disease" by Parkinson Switzerland (Beschluss 09/2013; CHF 50'000.- ab 09/2013 bis 10/2014)(Beschluss 09/2013; CHF 50'000.- ab 09/2013 bis 10/2014).


Siekierka, E, Mothersill, I, Schmutz, M (2016) Differentialdiagnostik in der Epileptologie. Schweizer Zeitschrift für Psychiatrie & Neurologie 05/2016

Schuster-Amft C, Henneke A, Hartog-Keisker B, Holper L, Siekierka E, Chevrier E, Pyk P, Kollias S, Kiper D, Eng K (2014) Intensive virtual reality-based training for upper limb motor function in chronic stroke: a feasibility study using a single case experimental design and fMRI. Disabil Rehabil Assist Technol. 2015;10(5):385-92.

Hägni K, Eng K, Hepp-Reymond M-C, Holper L, Keisker B,. Siekierka E, Kiper D (2008) Observing Virtual Arms that You Imagine Are Yours Increases the Galvanic Skin Response to an Unexpected Threat. PLoS ONE 3(8): e3082. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0003082

Zimmermann-Schlatter A., Schuster C., Puhan MA., Siekierka E., Steurer J (2008) Efficacy of motor imagery in post-stroke rehabilitation: a systematic review., J Neuroeng Rehabil, 14; 5: 8

Eng, K, Siekierka, E, Pyk, P, Chevrier E, Hauser, Y, Cameirao, M, Holper, L, Hägni,, K, Zimmerli, L, Duff, A, Schuster, C, Bassetti, C, Verschure, P, Kiper, D (2007) Interactive visuo-motor therapy system for stroke rehabilitation, Med Bio Eng Comput, 45: 901-907

Eng, K, Siekierka, E, Cameirao, M, Zimmerli, L, Pyk, P, Duff, A, Erol, F, Schuster, C, Bassetti, C, Kiper, D, Verschure, P (2006) Cognitive Virtual-Reality Based Stroke Rehabilitation, World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, 2718-2721

Siekierka, E, Eng, K, Bassetti, C, Blickenstorfer, A, Cameirao, M, Dietz, V, Duff, F, Erol, T, Ettlin, T, Hermann, D, Keller, T, Keisker, B, Kesselring, J, Kleiser, R, Kolias, S, Kool, J, Kurre, A, Mangold, S, Nef, T, Pyk, P, Riener, R, Schuster, C, Tosi, F, Verschure, P.F.M.J., Zimmerli, L (2007) New Technologies and Concepts for Rehabilitation in the Acute Phase of Stroke: A Collaborative Matrix, Neurodegenerative Diseases, 4: 57-69

Ziegler, D, Siekierka-Kleiser, E, Meyer, B, Schweers, M (2005) Validation of a Novel Screening Device (NeuroQuick) for Quantitative Assessment of Small Nerve Fiber Dysfunction as an Early Feature of Diabetic Polyneuropathy, Diabetes Care, 28: 1169-1174

Siekierka-Kleiser, E, Kleiser, R, Wohlschläger, A.M., Freund, H.-J., Seitz, R.J. (2006) Quantitative assessment of recovery from motor hemineglect in acute stroke patients, Cerebrovascular Diseases, 21: 307-314

Eingeladene Vorträge

2018: Innere Medizin Update Refresher, Zürich (23.06.2018). Stürze, Synkopen und Epilepsie - wie auseinanderhalten?

2016: 8th Swiss Movement Disorders Symposium, Luzern (02.09.2016). Event-related mu rhythm desynchronization during hand movements in PD

2012: Zürcher Höhenklinik Wald; Faltigberg (30.05.2012). Mechanismen immunmodulierender Therapien bei der Multiplen Sklerose

2006: Clinica Hildebrand, Centro di riabilitazione Brissago (22.06.2006). Rehabilitation of upper limb motor deficts in acute stroke

2006: Neuroradiologisches Kolloquium, Universitätsspital Zürich (18.01.2006). Shared talk with K.Eng: Multimedia-based Cognitive Neurorehabilitation

2006: Physiological basis of cognition; University Zürich (12.01.2006). Motor deficits in stroke patients

2004: Diabetesforum Düsseldorf, Deutschland (9.10.2004) mit Herrn Prof. Dr. med. R.J. Seitz: Diabetes und Nerven

2004: 19. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neuropsychologie (GNP), München (2. 5.09.2004). Erfassung des motorischen Hemineglekt mittels Akzelerometrie