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Conservative Chief Consultant Dr. med. Christine Otte

Dr. med. Christine Otte Spezialistin Fusschirurgie

Position and faculty

Conservative Chief Consultant Foot Surgery


Shock wave therapy

ACP treatments





Foot Surgery
Phone hours
Mo–Th 8:00–17:00
Fr 8:00–16:00
Sa–Su Closed

Medical specialisation

Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery


While I was completing my doctoral thesis, I already had the chance to gain a bit of experience in a large orthopaedic clinic (Mainz University Medical Center) in Germany. I have always been interested in doing further training and establishing myself in a surgical field. Periods abroad allowed me to broaden my horizons. I successfully completed my specialist training in plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery in Germany and this specialist doctor qualification was fully recognised in Switzerland.

After reducing my working hours following the birth of my sons in Switzerland and focussing on my main role as a mother, I gradually returned to work in my old job as a doctor. This was partly in my own practice (together with my husband who is also a doctor), initially alongside working at the University of Zurich (primarily involving scientific work) until I joined the Schulthess Klinik/Foot and Ankle Surgery department in June 2014.

The things I enjoy about my job are having a lot of contact with patients and the broad range of conservative treatment options, combined with the opportunity to carry out scientific work and work in an excellent environment.

There are even a few overlaps with my work at my own practice, such as autohaemotherapy, which I carry out very regularly with great success in the practice and in the clinic for a wide variety of indications. The treatment of scars is also one of my specialist areas thanks to my specialist qualification and corresponding experience. I also enjoy fulfilling rarer patient requests, such as treating hyperhidrosis of the feet with botulinum toxin. I have also been working successfully in the field of shock wave therapy for several years now.

The frequent further education and training opportunities provided at the Schulthess Klinik are something I really appreciate. As a doctor, I think it’s essential to always keep up to date with new developments. In my job, it’s particularly important to me to see beyond the medical condition and to regard patients as individuals.

since 2016

Consultant Foot Surgery, Schulthess Klinik
(Dr. med. P. Rippstein)

since 06/2014

Conservative Physician Foot Surgery, Schulthess Klinik
(Dr. med. P. Rippstein)

since 2014

Vice President of the Board of Directors of Beautyclinic Drs. Otte & Otte AG, Zurich


Clinical Assistant, Institute for Medical Genetics, University of Zurich
(Fr. Prof. A. Rauch)

since 2006

Co-owner of the Beautyclinic Drs Otte & Otte, Zurich


Specialist in Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Wuppertal, Prof. G. Ingianni


Resident Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Wuppertal, Prof. G. Ingianni


Change to plastic and hand surgery, aesthetic and reconstructive surgery nach Wuppertal, Prof. G. Ingianni

Education and training


Stay abroad Surgery, Danbury-Hospital, Conneticut, USA 
Final medical examination in Mainz
Start of ÄIP, orthopaedic clinic and polyclinic of the University of  Mainz, Prof. Dr. J. Heine
Inaugural dissertation (Migration analysis of spherical acetabular cups using single image X-ray analysis)
Orthopaedic Clinic and Polyclinic of the University of Mainz, Prof. Dr. J. Heine


Admission to the study of human medicine at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz, Germany