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Conservative Senior Consultant Dr. med. Anette Lanz

Dr. med. Anette Lanz

Position and faculty

Conservative Senior Consultant Foot Surgery


Shock wave therapy

ACP treatments





Foot Surgery
Phone hours
Mo–Th 8:00–17:00
Fr 8:00–16:00
Sa–Su Closed


I started working in foot and ankle surgery when I returned to work in 2002 after several years on maternity leave, but a surgical role was no longer an option.

Having said that, it was still important to me to work in a surgical department, as the majority of my training took place in that kind of environment. After several years’ experience working in the outpatient department of a maximum-care hospital, I was able to build up a wealth of experience in the diagnosis and treatment of all possible ailments.

I took a keen interest in foot and ankle surgery when I was still completing my training, but at that time I came to find that there were only specialists in similar fields in Switzerland. I found even more drive when I was offered a position at the Schulthess Klinik, supporting surgeons in their consultations.

This set-up proved a success, which is why the team of conservative doctors has continued to grow in recent years – a team I now manage. By establishing this team, we are able to give our patients the best treatment we can and dedicate enough time to consultations.

My main interests lie in non-surgical treatment options for foot and ankle joint conditions, which, in many cases, go far enough in terms of restoring mobility and thus quality of life to patients.

since 2025

Conservative senior doctor Foot Surgery, Schulthess Klinik

since 2015

Senior Consultant Foot Surgery, Schulthess Klinik


Consultant Foot Surgery, Schulthess Klinik


Consultant Foot Surgery, Schulthess Klinik


Resident Foot Surgery, Schulthess Klinik


Resident Radiology, Städtische Kliniken Frankfurt a. M. – Höchst


Resident Surgery, Städtische Kliniken Frankfurt a. M. – Höchst

Education and training


Study of Medicine and State Examination in Essen and Frankfurt am Main