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No more lead aprons for X-rays – greater safety, better results

From 2025, Schulthess Klinik will no longer use lead aprons for X-rays or fluoroscopy examinations. This decision is based on new scientific findings and is for your safety. Find out what is changing and why this is good news for you.

Technological advances have revolutionized radiology. Modern equipment favours significantly reduced radiation exposure – and more effectively than lead aprons ever could. In fact, inadequate placement of protective devices may even increase radiation levels and reduce image quality. This is why national and international professional organisations recommend avoiding lead aprons.

Your safety comes first
The aim of this measure is to further improve your safety, while increasing the quality of our diagnoses. The arguments for this are clear:

  • State-of-the-art technology
    New X-ray and fluoroscopy devices effectively reduce the radiation dose.
  • Greater protection without aprons
    Lead aprons do not protect against internal scatter radiation and may even increase exposure if not used properly.
  • Optimized examinations
    Precise settings on the devices used and clear indications ensure the lowest possible radiation doses are applied.
  • Training guarantees maximum possible safety
    Our specialist staff always keep up to date through regular training.

These innovations apply to all radiology procedures at the facility, from conventional radiography to fluoroscopy in the operating theatre.

What stays the same?
Our medical staff will continue to wear protective equipment – in line with the highest safety standards.