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Current research projects Promoting the constant improvement of treatment

Our long-standing tradition of research is constantly generating new insights for the treatment of orthopaedic patients. The latest scientific findings directly benefit our patients and many others around the world. The projects are financed by the Wilhelm Schulthess Foundation’s Research Fund. With your donation, you can specifically support one of the projects or our research work in general. Find out more about current research projects at Schulthess Klinik below.

Read more about Quality of everyday life thanks to research on the knee joint
Illustration Knieprothese

Quality of everyday life thanks to research on the knee joint

Our research team is taking a closer look at the bone. Specifically, we want to know what influence bone structure and bone quality have on the longevity of a knee prosthesis. We are looking for answers to the following questions: For which patients is a knee prosthesis the right treatment option? Which prosthesis is best for whom? And how long can the patient expect their knee prosthesis to last? Find out more about our current research project.


Read more about Quality of everyday life thanks to research on the knee joint
Read more about Finding the best solution for patients with spinal curvature
Arzt der Wirbelsäulenchirurgie untersucht Patientin

Finding the best solution for patients with spinal curvature

Spinal curvature is very common in adults and occurs in approximately 68% of people over the age of 60. Those affected are often restricted in their quality of life and suffer from pain and restricted mobility. The treatment options are very diverse. Choosing the most ideal treatment can significantly improve a patient's quality of life. To operate or not to operate? If so, using what method? These are just some of the questions being addressed by our current research project – always with the aim of finding the best treatment for each patient.

Read more about Finding the best solution for patients with spinal curvature
Read more about How an outcome system can contribute to greater patient satisfaction
Grafik zu Outcome-Forschung

How an outcome system can contribute to greater patient satisfaction

Including data from a patient’s perspective has been shown to contribute to better treatment outcomes and greater patient satisfaction. Schulthess Klinik has been collecting data of this kind for many years now. The aim of our research project is to use an expert outcome system to capture this patient perspective and all other treatment-relevant data in a central system and make it available to doctors at the touch of a button. This allows them to better understand patients' specific health needs and tailor treatment to their individual needs.

Read more about How an outcome system can contribute to greater patient satisfaction

Would you like to get involved in the future of medicine?

One of the main areas of activity of the Wilhelm Schulthess Foundation is the advancement of research, always with the aim of enabling patients to receive the best possible treatment. By donating to our research fund, you are directly supporting scientific training, research and development in the field of orthopaedics  – a specific examples being any one of our current research projects.

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