Hand Surgery
Annual Report 2022

Our hand surgery specialists treat diseases and injuries of the hand and forearm. With our comprehensive treatment spectrum, we always look for the optimal solution for patients – with or without surgery. Our many years of experience and the findings from our research work underpin our offering in this area.
Research and development as the foundation
Our long tradition of research helps us to continuously improve patient treatments. This includes finding the optimal treatment for each patient based on comprehensive data we have collected and studies, but also developing medical products ourselves, such as artificial joints.
In the spirit of pioneering
Prof. Norbert Gschwend, former hospital director, laid the foundation of our outcome research in the 1970s with the clinic’s internal documentation centre for hip and knee prostheses. He was also a pioneer in joint replacement surgery. Specialising in the treatment of inflammatory joint disease, he believed in changing orthopaedic surgery and the use of artificial joints, because in the absence of suitable therapies, affected patients often suffered from the most severe deformities. A wide range of artificial joints were then developed at Schulthess Klinik, with Prof. Norbert Gschwend as a co-inventor.
Successful development and use of artificial joints
During the first “Norbert Gschwend Lecture” in May, held in memory of the pioneer, the event looked back at his work and his way of thinking, which is still followed in the clinic today. Dr. med. Daniel Herren, Head of Hand Surgery, who knew Prof. Gschwend himself as a mentor and colleague, then bridged the gap to the present day. Using the example of the CapFlex artificial finger joint developed at the clinic, he explained the exciting journey that lasted many years from a drawing on a napkin and development work to the first implanted artificial joint in 2010. The artificial joint is now used by hand surgeons worldwide for the surgical treatment of osteoarthritis of the interphalangeal joint. In 2022, we inserted the 400th CapFlex artificial joint in the clinic.

Innovation in motion
Acquiring knowledge and passing on knowledge – a constant process that our hand surgery team is engaged in together with our research staff. Because that is how we always keep moving. With this in mind, we regularly attend congresses, exchange ideas with colleagues across Switzerland and abroad, and pass on our knowledge in publications and lectures.
Innovation Award at the IFSSH, IFSHT & FESSH Combined Congress for hand surgery
Members of our hand surgery team gave numerous lectures at the IFSSH, IFSHT & FESSH Combined Congress for hand surgery in London in June. Innovations around hand surgery were pitched as part of a “Shark Tank event”. Our employee Michael Oyewale impressed the jury and received a prize for his idea to develop an app for patients. This app is designed to give patients insight into the healing process and information about their disease and treatment.

Award for our assistant physician

At the Swiss Congress for Hand Surgery and Hand Therapy in Thun, our hand surgery, hand therapy and science team gave a total of 15 lectures. Our assistant physician Dr. med. Nora Huber was awarded the “Greatest Future Clinical Application Award” for her lecture “Thumb carpometacarpal implant arthroplasty: The fast track back to work”.
Excellent teamwork
These kinds of achievements are only possible as a team. From the secretary’s office to the treatment team, be it surgical or conservative, to the staff in our science department – they all have a share in the success. Many thanks for this amazing work and for living life in accordance with the Schulthess spirit.